A concept was given by the UH department of election and computer engineering. This concept, called True Step, was an exoskeleton design that “addresses the challenges associated with the home rehabilitation process on stroke survivors, [more specifically foot drop] ”. The concept prototype was “estimated to be around $300 USD which is much lower than market alternatives”. Other specific features that were mentioned in the were: “a) gait detection using an IMU module which is based on a circular buffer that [aids] to detect gait state in real-time (b.) providing a Graphic User Interface which will enable the end user to have a better Human-Machine interaction.”
This concept was given to us to assist in the CMF of the design and the overall ergonomics of the design.
Eskandari, N., España, J., Gokhale, S., Branco, L., Tomer, T., Shanab, A. S., & Contreras-Vidal, J. (2020). True Step. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering UH.
Nearly 800,000 people suffer from stroke in the US every year. 87% of strokes cause significant neurological damage and hemiparesis, leading many to suffer from motor impairment. Foot drop occurs when a person loses the ability to lift the front of their foot and clear the floor with their toe. This can cause, tripping over the dropped toe, the overcompensation of other muscles, hip damage due to swinging leg, and relearning of incorrect movements after a stroke.
Problem Statement
Currently, there is no lower limb soft exosuit that aids in post-stroke recovery and combating foot drop available on the market for at-home use. The devices made for clinical use are bulky, not user-friendly, and have had reports of skin abrasions.
Design Goal
Design a lower limb soft exosuit for those with hemiparalysis in post-stroke recovery or those affected by foot drop. The device shall assist in returning the user's normal gait patterns through both dorsiflexion assistance. It shall be made for at-home use and be easily maintained and comfortable to wear for extended periods of time.